Sitemap - 2023 - Super-Probably Relevant Content

Cheers to states that do the right thing

What do we need to be doing?

I found myself in the back of a church

If you never heard Jonna Ramey's letter

A Christmas poem

E tu, Ronna?

Be careful out there

Let's unpack a recent TFG speech

We weathered a storm

If you don't have experience apologizing...

What precisely are we worshipping here?

Mud-slinging is fun, but...

With or without you

I heart the rule of law

Be Santa today

I cannot describe semester's end

They say things come in threes

Who are you going to believe?

It is the guns

The wild outdoors

A deal with the devil

Perry Mason is my comfort food

Day 6 of a cease-fire

It's Giving Tuesday

I am sliding down Christmas' glitter pole

Black Friday. Pffft.

This Thanksgiving, I'm grateful...

Weaponizing your government

The stories all around you

Rest in power, Rosalynn Carter

A book report, by me for you

If you're challenged to a fight by a sitting U.S. senator

The rules of social gospel

A light keeps coming on the dashboard

I voted for Ralph Nader in 2000

The strike may be over, but the war continues

Virginia! Ohio! Kentucky! And Derby, Conn.

The problem with polls

I am working my local election today

Being a mother can be hard

Mike Johnson doesn't believe in taxes

May I never be a viral TikTok video

We went on a museum trip

Do you believe in ghosts?

Last week in review

I will miss you, but only for a week

The Devil lies!!!

Elect a clown, expect a circus

Oh! The books you can read (or listen to)

Our wondrous world

I love you.

An economy built by all, for some

What is the truth and where you can find it?

RJK and doppelgängers

I don't buy Halloween candy this early

Hats off for Rep. Jones, who is fighting the good fight

It's like watching rats in a bucket

Will a limited gag order make TFG STFU?

A Kansas sheriff is suspended for his role in a newspaper raid

This post is nothing but shameless self-promotion

The clown show that is the impeachment inquiry hearing

Let's buy Mar-a-Lago

When policy runs counter to decency

My latest New Yorker cover is problematic

Gagging a mad dog

Rupert Murdoch. What an asshole.

Praying to White Jesus

I do not remember who bought me this pen

Ask harder questions

Throwing red meat to fanged terriers

Sssh. I'm all caught up with my grading.

Sometimes, words fail me

As power shifts to the states...

MTG again calls for secession

Where were you?

Affirmative action is not the enemy

"You're already facing charges"

NOW we have horse race

The tinny voice on the radio

Thank you for weekends

A palate cleanser

A statement with which I heartily disagree

Vaccines work

Rest In Power, UNC faculty member

But...but I just got good at sleeping in

Trump surrendered and I have questions

The "I was just being a good soldier" defense

Can you welcome a Trumper back into your life?

Happy Surrender Week!

What the pandemic taught me

Practice your (legal) threats

RIP, Joan Meyer

What is RICO, again?

And so we awaited another indictment

The police raided a Kansas newspaper.

This week's winners and losers

Should Sen. Feinstein retire?

Writing for a diverse audience

Thank you, Simone Biles

The latest in FAFO

When the horizon is tilted...

As TFG walks into a D.C. courtroom

About damn time

What does the Fox say?

Nothing compares 2 U

It feels as if summer is waning

We have shirts/houses/cars designed to handle the heat

Try this in a small town

For I was a stranger

No, Ron, you can't be an apostle

A little street encounter

What are you reading?

About gender-affirming care

It's journalism camp week!

If it looks, swims and quacks...

The sea giveth

How did you celebrate Prime Day(s)?

If you could have dinner with three people...

Sen. Tommy is a human-shaped cork

I hate it when I do this

Whaddya gonna do?

What if gay hairstylists refused service to anti-gay conservative women?

They cancelled our July 4 parade

Happy 4th

If you're not a believer, skip this post

A not-normal SCOTUS welcomes you to the U.S.

Who invented "woke?"

One person, one vote, and no funny business with the districts

Ode to stiff-armed grandchildren

What the hell is going on in Russia?

We mourn the deaths of all souls lost at sea

I can't stop watching the I-95 rebuild livestream

Hunter Biden is pleading guilty

Invite your friends to read Super-Probably Relevant Content

I want to debate Trump about business ethics

Celebrating Juneteenth as our second independence day

What IS it with those Baptists?

How best to discuss TFG?

What do you do after an arraignment?

Happy Pride Month from Essex, Conn.

Sometimes, you need your posse

On speaking ill of the dead

What stories are we missing?

The PGA and LIV golf are merging

For the last few days, the sun's been orange

If we read the Book in its entirety

My dislike of Mr. and Mrs. Duggar is years old

My belated Mother's Day gift...

I need to explain myself, a little

Blessings on the Carter family

A quiz!

To everyone on Decoration Day

What's your favorite banned book?

Building a Charles Dickens escape room

Abolish venture capitalism

Ms. Carroll isn't having any

Welp, it was bound to happen

When you see something like this...

Have you no sense of decency?

Reclaim your virginity!

Sen. Josh Hawley is a throwback

In which I wield a medieval mace

This is beautiful.

So instead of gun legislation...

The GOP front-runner is a sexual assaulter and a liar

In which I sit firmly on the fence.

All eyes on Allen, Texas

Where's my Jimmy Fallon at?

I want to tell you a story about my state

If you won't stop school shootings

Here is some television I'll cheerfully skip

Women to watch this week

I'm not done talking about end-of-life options

RIP, latest mower

Joe Biden's running again

Let's help Tucker Carlson find a new job.

Elon Musk's no-good, very bad week

The happy place that is baseball

Everything's fine

Yesterday was Tax Day

You can help Ralph Yarl

I asked. You answered.

It's been a week.

Cody Smith doesn't want you to read

No Justins. No peace.

If I raised money to buy a Supreme Court Justice...

If I collect Nazi memorabilia...

Hey! Ho! Hey! Ho! Clarence Thomas...

Happy Foot-Washin' Day

Are you exhausted?

Did you consider going to Manhattan today?

In my head, I'm an expert

It's tacky to gloat

This? Is how you do it.

I do not know the Christianity of which you speak

A portrait of AR-15 owners

Pray harder, sinners

A world of gratitude

The preteen asked about Donald Trump

I never wanted to be a Millerite

And on my spring vacation, I...

"How dare you use my God for things against my people"

Sláinte, from our house to yours

Do you tolerate intolerance?

The wheels of justice are super-probably turning

Once burned...

Someone killed himself last week

Happy Women's History Month

If you're shocked at the news about Fox...

Noticed in my yard

Stand down, Rev. Malthus

Equity equals racism?

Limericks across America!

A master class on interviewing

I am a veteran of the student loan battle

The debt has been paid

What is WRONG with people?

It's been a year

Thankful Thursday

Standing with the Florida students

Scrubbing the sewer that is Twitter

A blessed passage to Pres. Carter

Stay strong, Sen. Fetterman

Who hasn't driven too fast in bad weather?

I really wish there were aliens

It's never too late to do the right thing

You aren't a rock star

Help for Turkey and Syria

The gracious writer

How'd he do?

I've asked before, I'll ask again

Wearing a weapon of destruction as jewelry

Cold enough for you?

My textile monument to...

Let's help George Santos out

While Florida slides into the ocean

All mothers were summoned

The birth of a newspaper

My first-ever boyfriend

Don't buy books from crooks

All the perfect parents

This is what an educator looks like

Thankful Friday! (I just made that up.)

Do I pay my electric bill today?

Dear Rep. Ann Kelley:

Say hello to plant

MLK's Poor People's Campaign

That time I stopped reading

The politics of grievance

A case of the whataboutisms

This is why we can't have nice things

Aaaand here we are

The text said, "Are you watching this?"

Thank you, local journalists

How to explain yesterday's votes for House Speaker

I hereby throw my hat in the ring for Speaker

Welcome, 2023!