Then here you go:
Or maybe:
If my photo editing skills were better, maybe a clown in a dumpster fire?
After three rounds of votes, the U.S. House of Representatives adjourned without electing a Speaker, something that happens about as often as Donald Trump tells the truth. It was a historic moment when Rep. Kevin McCarthy, the man who promised his party members the moon, still could not get elected. In fact, the Democratic House minority leader, Hakeem Jeffries, actually bested McCarthy in those votes (with all the Democrats united behind Jeffries) and there was brief talk of a handful of Republicans casting their lot for Jeffries, and building a coalition government. It was a beautiful thing to hear House Democrats chant “Hakeem, Hakeem, Hakeem,” but no such coalition government came out of yesterday’s votes.
Neither did the rumored deal McCarthy was said to have cut with the Democrats. There was no such deal, and this meant the infuriating so-called Freedom Caucus — 20 or so of the most disruptive whiners in suits you’d ever want to meet — continued their disruption with nary a suggestion as to what they want — only that they don’t want McCarthy as their leader. (I mean, my God, if you’re pushing Gym Jordan for any kind of leadership position, you have lost the moral ground and you will never regain it, ever.)
What happens if there’s no Speaker? The House sputters, stalls, and then falls over until they do. This, then, is what happens when a political party spends its time being against everything, and for nothing, when a political party ties itself to the least qualified, most corrupt president ever, and then stands there slack-jawed when that golden goose lays a fetid, rotted egg.
Let’s stay on the barnyard theme. Tuesday, we saw that the chickens are home, and they are roosting. I’m here for it. Let’s save our thoughts and prayers for the chickens.
The fun resumes when the House readjourns at noon.
It costs about $8 million of taxpayer money a day to operate Congress. Republicans not only totally wasted yesterday--they have a plan in place to waste every single day over the next two years.
I hope the Dems don't waste this opportunity. It's a great chance for some powerful messaging: Over the last two years, members of our party went to work every day and we got things done that are making our lives better. We invested in infrastructure, created millions of manufacturing jobs, moved chip production out of China and back on shore, rallied the world against Russian aggression, expanded benefits for veterans. Republicans opposed us every single step of the way. Now Republican politicians are in charge. Their plan is to do a whole lot of nothing and get paid for it. That's how they define fiscal responsibility. Just look at yesterday. If you're sick of paying taxes that support lazy, lying politicians, tell the leaders of the Republican Party to get off their butts, roll up their sleeves, stop their lying and get to work for their paychecks.
So the Genitally Obsessed Perverts couldn’t get all of their ducks in a row
This is one time that I will not be kind to my web footed friends