They are nothing but their own fears and prejudices projected outward.

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Aug 12, 2022Liked by Susan Campbell

Having lived thru the violent and tumultuous 60's and watching the country survive and try to heal I see little hope of our survival or healing now! The sides are severely divided, even local politics that once ruled for the common good has gone all right wing radical. The blame is widespread but started with 45 and continues with his dangerous, divisive rhetoric that has drawn loons in Congress to cling to him like remoras to sharks! We have to get people to vote blue, that is out last best hope! And if Susan is a 'Satanist' come rub the lamp on my table and I will grant you 3 wishes!!

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Aug 12, 2022Liked by Susan Campbell

Nothing like the pot calling the kettle black!

I was shocked that she won in CT but wondered if some Dems changed parties to vote her in, thinking it will make a more secure win for Blumenthal. Or few people voted? Or do we really have that many nuts in CT. 😥

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Aug 12, 2022Liked by Susan Campbell

"I know you are but what am I?"

I'm not one to remark on people's looks, but with LL, I cannot help myself. She looks like The Joker.

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If everyone who thinks Leora Levy is a nasty, delusional piece of work is a Satanist, Connecticut must be overrun with them.

Maybe we can all meet at the Pedophile Pizza Palace for our next get-together.

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Aug 12, 2022Liked by Susan Campbell

Terry has a girls name

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Aug 12, 2022Liked by Susan Campbell

You stand up strong against such dribble. By the way, that IS me standing next to you.

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Aug 12, 2022·edited Aug 12, 2022Liked by Susan Campbell

Ha ha ha. My crowd in the hippie days used to smoke a joint and laugh at the “square” culture. Things were simple back then. No don’t waste your book sending a autographed copy of “Dating Jesus.”

I too thought her commercial was odd for Connecticut republicans. I haven’t looked at the numbers but it only takes a core of motivated nincompoops to win a sleeper and she did. More importantly is what portends nationally in the coming elections and in 2024. I’m going to open up a thought to ponder and I don’t have clear answers. Or maybe I do. When someone reacts negatively to something I’ve said or done, my first reaction is to question what I’ve done wrong. And what, if anything I can do to change it. This philosophy would be healthy to apply to the national debate rather then retrenchment. What might we be doing wrong. What wedge issue does the opposition successfully use against us. One that comes to mind is the southern border issue. I happen to feel we are at least, showing disregard for illegal entry. I understand the issues, of our history of being a nation of immigrants seeking a better life. My grandparents were in that group. But they came to Ellis Island legally. I believe we are too often and too easily, giving ground to republicans and it’s incumbent to win even if we risk some compromises on principle. I sense you will disagree but I want our side to win especially in these very difficult times. We are on the tipping point. We really can lose democracy very easily. Even Plato wrote that Tyranny follows Democracy. Let’s not have it happen here.

If you want to send a book out, I’ll take one on the Parkville community where my grandparents settled. In exchange, you get mine, “Donald’s Vanity Tantrums,” and you might just get a few belly laughs in the process.

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Aug 12, 2022Liked by Susan Campbell

I think her election is a reminder that the Trumpers are a passionate group that gets out and votes! The answer to that is: We need to have HIGH voter turnout on the Democrat side in November, and not just in CT! How do we best do that? How do we reach beyond those already paying attention and get them to vote?

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Ah, it hadn't occurred to me that the cupcake was the proximate excuse for that particular name-calling!

As a matter of curiosity, do you believe in the existence of a supernatural Satan? I have no opinion. And also I have no personal need for a Satan. I'm quite bad enough on my own. (I could easily believe that Satan exists in the realities of people who believe in Satan, and not in the worlds of us who don't, BTW.)

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