There is so much going on re: the Florida search warrant, but please indulge me this personal story:
The above photos are on my Twitter home page. The little round photo, if you’ll notice, is of a cake with icing that forms a pentagram and says, “Congrats on your pact with Satan.” I was using that photo as a reply to particularly egregious tweets so often, I decided to make it my profile photo.
Funny, yes?
On Tuesday, Connecticut Republicans decided, by a fairly wide margin, to chose a Trump-endorsed candidate as their nominee for U.S. Senate. The candidate, Leora Levy, a Greenwich Republican fundraiser, will face the incumbent Democrat, Sen. Richard Blumenthal. She hasn’t a snowball’s chance, but her ascension as the Republican nominee for such a high office is disquieting, to say the least.
I admit I was not paying much attention to the Republican primary, as I assumed (silly me) that the generally staid Connecticut GOP would nominate Themis Klarides, a political insider with an interesting past. As poll numbers started to show an upset, I researched Levy, and found that in addition to running a very un-Connecticut nasty campaign (which I knew about because it made all the papers), she’d signed something called the Big Family Pledge, and its website falsely identifies her as "Leora Levy, Connecticut, U.S. Senate."
Not so fast, Leora. The pledge is sponsored by a group called the American Principles Project, which is against Common Core and for the gold standard. The pledge has also been signed by mental paragons like Paul Gosar (whose siblings can't stand him) and the scandal-ridden Ronny Jackson. The pledge talks about "woke, left-wing activists," by which they mean people who don't hate members of the transgender community, and people believe our entire country's history should be taught in school. The pledge stinks so much that even Greg Abbott, Texas' Official Disappointment, wouldn't sign it.
In other words, Levy is full-on Trump in stilettos, and people in this beautiful state should make it their business to call her out on nonsense, as well as call out her ill-informed supporters.
I posted about this on social media, and was met with the tweet below, from the president of the American Principles Association, sponsor of the afore-mentioned pledge:
and this:
Here’s how things work in the world inhabited by Terry Schilling and, perhaps, Leora Levy. They go online, shoot from the lip, and call someone a name and then they try to make it stick. Though the names I’ve been called in four decades of journalism have been many and colorful, this is the first time someone has called me a satanist. It didn’t hurt my feelings but it did give me pause as to the governance of this organization. Is this, then, what it means to be, as the group purports to be, “pro-family?”
Can they make the name stick? I have so few followers on Twitter that no one gives a rat’s ass what this guy calls me and he would be better served calling someone who is famous some stupid name. I mean, that’s just good communication strategy. But to set the record straight, I offered to send ol’ Terry an autographed copy of “Dating Jesus.” I haven’t heard back yet. I’ll let you know when I do.
They are nothing but their own fears and prejudices projected outward.
Having lived thru the violent and tumultuous 60's and watching the country survive and try to heal I see little hope of our survival or healing now! The sides are severely divided, even local politics that once ruled for the common good has gone all right wing radical. The blame is widespread but started with 45 and continues with his dangerous, divisive rhetoric that has drawn loons in Congress to cling to him like remoras to sharks! We have to get people to vote blue, that is out last best hope! And if Susan is a 'Satanist' come rub the lamp on my table and I will grant you 3 wishes!!