Jul 5Liked by Susan Campbell

Project 2025 is the antithesis of American ideals proclaimed 248 years ago. Democracy and freedom that we so often take for granted are not guaranteed anymore. Thankfully Susan has shown a light on what will indeed happen if we allow it! Ironically Professor Richardson also used her Substack today to detail the dangers America AND the world face. MAGA is allied with Hungary’s Fuhrer Orban who has turned that country upside down. Armageddon is on the horizon IF we don’t resist AND dissent!

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Could you ever have imagined a Republican buddying up to the likes of Putin?

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Jul 5Liked by Susan Campbell


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Jul 5Liked by Susan Campbell

Entirely agreed about the policies.

As for the rhetoric, I’ve been boggling throughout the 21st century at the GOP willingness to sound like Star Trek villains: “And if you do not do my bidding, captain, I will kill your crew and it will be All Your Fault.”

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Excellent point. Vote for us or the dog gets it.

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Jul 5Liked by Susan Campbell

I have never, ever, ever (ever!!!) seen people project the way what used to be the Republican party does. They project all their fear and sin and anger and violence onto others and then yell and scream and hop about maybe hoping that it will relieve them of it. I don't know. It makes me shake my head in wonder.

Deep breath me. This document and its marching orders are a travesty and an insult. They are a shoring up of the egos of fragile entitled men and those who support the egos of fragile entitled men.

All this said, this election I vote for democracy itself. Democracy IS the candidate this time around.

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Jul 5·edited Jul 5Liked by Susan Campbell

Do you notice how the far right likes to claim that the liberals, the far left is devastating the country and causing harm, without specifics? I'd like to know who exactly is being harmed? Is it those poor white men? Seriously, there are Republican voters who believe Democrats are ruining our country, but can't explicitly describe the harm beyond mentioning theoretical harm related to "the border crisis" and incorrectly mentioning "crime in those cities run by Democrats". And of course they want to blame inflation on Biden, which is ignorant. It's all a belief based on parroted messaging and propaganda.

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Yes. I always ask such people "How do you mean" followed by "What are your sources?" They don't care about sources and facts, but I do.

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Jul 5Liked by Susan Campbell

These ideas/plans threaten every thing our country has protected and fought for since its inception. We have proudly stood separate from dictator and authoritarian leaders and advocated for human rights and freedoms in other countries over the last century. The Republican voters who need to understand the consequences of this must have no idea.

The Democratic Party needs to create a "Project To Save Our Democracy" document with a forward that explicitly states the threats DT and Project 2025 pose to all of us and our democracy. And they need to educate the country. Biden & others need to talk to the people. A President can and should do that. This is more than politics. This is a threat to the existence of our country as we have known it since it's beginning!

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Thanks. That one is labeled the 2020 Party Platform. Maybe 2024 isn't out yet.

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