15 hrs agoLiked by Susan Campbell

Great explanation! Unfortunately, I fear it will not work for the people who have bought into the demagoguery. The gaslighting is so pervasive it has been normalized. 🤔

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12 hrs agoLiked by Susan Campbell

Excellent reminder about humans perception of fear. I think the Republican Party really got started with this when Bush got elected. The proliferation of idiots like Rush Limbaugh took over the airwaves and spewed lies and fears. What started as the Far Right grew into Maga.

It has frustrated me for years that folks don’t seek the truth but take the easy path to fear.

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15 hrs agoLiked by Susan Campbell

Thanks for that. A lot of people don't take the time, or don't know how, to seek out the true information. Anecdotally, I see some 80+ age people that easily fall for false stories because they don't know how to fact check. They get frustrated with technology, expect news to be trustworthy, and are attracted to fear producing stories. To them, the world has fallen apart, partly because they no longer know how to operate in it with all the change that has occurred. It's like that addiction to fear is stronger with them. I wonder if these observations of my small sample is also observed in the larger population in this age group. And if there is a correlation between increased fear and upper age groups, wouldn't it be an especially bad idea to give the job of President to someone who will be entering their 80's?

Also, no fearful person who pushes conspiracies and doesn't seek out wisdom should be given the nuclear codes, regardless of age!

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12 hrs agoLiked by Susan Campbell

With Trump it’s not just age, it’s being mentally ill and having dementia with it. He is a psychopath.

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11 hrs agoLiked by Susan Campbell

Yes. You're right! Though some people hear "psychopath", "sociopath", "malignant narcissist", and don't understand it or take it seriously. It's as if we are name calling vs identifying a dangerous and predictable psychological behavior to them. I don't know how to get through to them and get them to believe their own eyes, ears, and the words of experts. You would think that when his own past VP does not endorse him, Republican voters should pay attention. Or the fact that not one past President or VP, Rep or Dem, endorses him (other than him endorsing himself), Rep voters would pay attention. You would think that after many high ranking DT staffers/cabinet members have warned the voters that he presents a threat to the US and our Democracy, Republican voters would pay attention. You would think after DT was convicted of 34 felonies and found liable for sexual abuse (rape) and than defamation of his victim, Republican voters would pay attention. The list goes on and yet, these GOP supporters ignore it all in favor of a fantasy version of what they want him to be. Is it massive extreme gaslighting or cult-ish? DT has his supporters convinced the world is a very dangerous place and that only he can keep them safe. He has weaponized fear and his supporters are eating it up. The truth couldn't be further away from what he tells them.

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8 hrs ago·edited 8 hrs ago

Rather than assume that it's ignorant seniors (disclaimer, I'm 86) you might want to focus on the gun-totin;, Bible quotin' folks out there (aka white nationalists), who are convinced, and convince the fearful, that Democrats kill babies, and that people of color want to take control of the country, therefore them.

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I apologize if I came across as blaming seniors. It was not my intent. As you point out, white nationalists are a real threat! I meant to say that based on the people in my family, some in the 80+ age group (not all) are particularly vulnerable to believing what they read without checking sources or facts. I hear things repeated often and do my best to correct with fact checked information. They often don't know how to do that nor do they realize they should. I observe they also are attracted to news that is alarmist - fear inducing. My sample size is tiny -about 5 people. So I certainly can't make any generalized claims. I know scammers often target elderly people because they can be more vulnerable (trusting?). Of course, there are plenty of elderly women and men who prove those assumptions wrong in a big way!

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13 hrs agoLiked by Susan Campbell

Ditto Jack, thanks for that! My former employment forced us to recognize that we should never assume - or to assume that there was a lot we didn't know, no matter how much expertise we brought to the table. Always listing what we didn't know as well as assuming there was more..... was built into the decision making process.

I have intuitively applied this to the concept of a God. I believe that there is a God, but I don't believe that humans can comprehend or "know" what that is.

Now back to your application of cognitive bias regarding fear. I'm not good at "fear". I scoff at it. But many do not. My first encounter with it was in regards to a former Sunday school teacher, Mr. Greenfield. He believed in the Old Testament version - a God that punished. And if you didn't do what was in the bible, well, be afraid, be very afraid at what hell God could throw at you in this life and the afterlife. So, when I read about all those - my perceptions - weak politicians who are being cowed by Trump - they are fearful of what he can do to their political lives, I am disgusted. Groups who are in situations where fear is a mainstay in their lives, e.g. Palestians, have a very rational fear. But Americans are self-inflicting Trumps fear. They aren't seeking to discern if the threats are in fact real. I find it fascinating that Trump is not doing well in the rust belt. I mean, well, aren't they the ones that have suffered the longest. And aren't they the ones that suffered the longest during the depression due to the dust bowl? So, historically, they've got a lot baggage. So, why is it that the Southern states seem to be leaning towards him? Any ideas? Long-term horrible leadership?

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The whole idea of being cowed by fear strikes me as a shitty, small little life. And the clinging to power at the expense of one's morals? Same.

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15 hrs agoLiked by Susan Campbell

Agree with everything that you wrote. But what scares me is watching that video and seeing and hearing JD Vance insist that he is right. Even challenged, he won’t back down. He and DT can not win. Swords Up.

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Absolutely, swords up.

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15 hrs agoLiked by Susan Campbell

'Fear' is the motivating factor for the MAGA/Fascists! It fuels every crowd that follows the Felon/Shillbilly team which is hellbent on destruction of American democracy.

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11 hrs agoLiked by Susan Campbell

Some goofballs have no fear

It’s mostly because of the alcohol

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