May 23Liked by Susan Campbell

The left also has way better late night talk show hosts

I’ll take Jimmy Kimmel , Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert over Jesse Watters

I was almost shocked to find out that he was a comedian

That goofball just ain’t funny

It’s hard for goofballs that have no sense of irony or hypocrisy to do comedy

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I see you on Facebook calling out the goofballs. I admire you greatly, my friend.

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May 23Liked by Susan Campbell

Sorry to go off subject but….yesterday we were behind a vehicle that had a “ Woman For Trump” sticker! My mouth went dry and my middle finger began twitching! This on top of watching the latest video of the young women hostages being held by the barbaric Hamas animals just forces me to vent here…..sorry Susan and fellow Substack subscribers!

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May 23Liked by Susan Campbell

Mark Ruffalo... I shared "space" with him at The Village Restaurant in Litchfield in 2016. My dining companion whispered to me to NOT turn around, but MR was at the table directly behind ours. However much it killed me, I did not engage as I don't think it appropriate to fan girl while someone is trying to eat. He's a hottie. A couple of hours later we saw Peter Fonda, his wife and dog stroll by looking like they walked out of an LL Bean print ad. Their "fall weekend in Litchfield" look was on point. And yeah, to your missive... we have better celebrities. Chachi??? The Nuge??? Kid Rock???

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I think you reacted like a grownup, but I'm with Sharon. Oh, who am I kidding? I'd have pulled up a chair at his table.

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May 23·edited May 23Liked by Susan Campbell

I don't think I would have had your self-control. I would have at least asked my dining companion to trade seats with me!

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May 23Liked by Susan Campbell

Cool people….attract cool people.

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May 23Liked by Susan Campbell

The left also has Julia Roberts and that dreamy George Clooney (your dream as I recall) on their side.


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May 23Liked by Susan Campbell

The list of celebs backing democrats is long— hoping it leads to votes for dems in November. Need to encourage young people to vote.

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May 23Liked by Susan Campbell

He would not like being put into the category of “celebrity” but I add Representative McGovern to the list. Yesterday he was silenced, then his words were stricken from the record by the MAGA led House . Freedom and democracy are at stake in November….this is time to wake the F up!

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I saw that. What a crock, just for reading the crimes for which Trump is answering.

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May 23Liked by Susan Campbell

I was in Nashville over the weekend and my kids drive me to the Kid Rock bar. I refused to eat or drink anything to give that asshole one penny it made my skin crawl to be in there.

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I appreciate that, very much. He's turned out to be such a disappointment and my expectations were low to begin with.

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May 23Liked by Susan Campbell

Then there's that weird Ted Nugent. I still don't know why he's a right-wing "celebrity."

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Totally forgot about him but I don't feel guilty about that.

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Though I've long admired his stance on many issues, I've had to take a break from Mark Ruffalo. For related reasons I've recently begun following Debra Messing. I've started following more Jewish celebs (Bette Midler, Mayim Bialik, Broadway's Seth Rudetsky among others) as the horror begun by Hamas on October 7 continues to cause excessive suffering among far too many innocents yet I need to hear intelligent perspective from Americans who aren't politicians that goes beyond condemnation of Israel, its people and Jews around the world (a bit tangential but Unified Reich? WTAF!!!). Following the funny is key to staying sane too. Mark Hamill is just freaking awesome; Leslie Jones is another favorite. And I don't know what I'd do without Randy Rainbow.

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Meryl Streep was dismissed by the Trumpster as being “over-rated” when she called him out for mocking a disabled man. Bruce Springsteen ordered Trump to stop using his music at his rallies. At his recent rally in NJ delusional Donald bragged he drew larger crowds than Springsteen. The Left’s stars shine brighter!

If you’re not more careful, Susan, you too could suffer the same fate as a friend who disapproved Chachi’s support of DJT:

“@ScottBaio blocked you” He cannot follow him or view posts on his site.

To which I think the best response would be “Wah, wah, wah”. 😁

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