Jul 8Liked by Susan Campbell

Let’s all take heart in the recent elections in Britain and France where citizens rejected conservative parties operating under the same principles outlined by Powell and the Heritage Foundation. Individual votes still count in a true democracy.

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Weren’t those beautiful elections?

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Jul 8Liked by Susan Campbell

I was glad to see this in both countries. May we do the same.

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Jul 8Liked by Susan Campbell

If we need hope we just need to see what happened with recent elections in Britain and France?

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Jul 8Liked by Susan Campbell

Thanks for this. I was not aware of it.

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I only stumbled across it, myself. Unlike Project 2025, it did not get wide distribution.

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It's worth noting that the crash of 2008, when we learned that some banks were "too big to fail", coupled with Citizens United, were major catalysts to the Occupy Wall Street movement. It is also worth noting that, while many commentators criticized the Occupy movement for being disorganized with no clear set of demands (oh, they had them, but they weren't "realistic"), in fact the main instigators were taken by surprise at how popular and widespread the initial plan to "sit-in" became across the country and even globally. I could go on ... but that's for another day.

I would add that I remember you, Susan, showing up at the Occupy Hartford site in early December 2011 to cover our "eviction" and being outraged that the Hartford Police (having surrounded the small park with 22 cruisers and a couple of city dump trucks to evict maybe a dozen people) tried to prevent the press from having access. Finally they agreed to one at a time, and you and Andy Hart had to trade off, because if there had been TWO journalists in the park at the same time, well, er ... um ... anyway ... and that was the first time I learned about the presence across our country of under-the-radar "fusion centers" where federal forces from Homeland Security worked to train state and local law enforcement on crowd control, surveillance and other repressive techniques. Indeed as we watched the wave of actions across the nation to systematically shut down the myriad "occupations", that coordination was in full view if you knew to look.

regardless of who occupies the white house going forward, remember that the playbook for controlling the population is still active, whether it's labor unrest, Black Lives Matter or healthcare access.

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I remember. Hartford looked like a police state, right where we all could see it. I was arguing that they couldn’t keep out the press, but they did their damndest.

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You know about Cop City and its many analogues nationwide, right? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cop_City

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I do.

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Not shocked— thanks for connecting the dots. Interesting that DT is trying to distance himself from 2025, he is such a liar. ( now that people are questioning the document) Hopeful with the turn of events in France— but it is hard to get a pulse on what is happening in the U.S. These flash polls don’t reach enough people, usually samplings are small. This week seems to be a critical one for Biden and the Democrats. Swords Up!

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Absolutely. Swords up.

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Swords up ⚔️

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“These extremists of the left are far more numerous, better financed, and increasingly are more welcomed and encouraged by other elements of society, than ever before in our history.” He forgot to add; “We must protect our minority rule”.

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I never disliked him before but I’ve added him to my list. Dude…come ON.

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Well, well. Was not aware that I was a 'Well Funded' Leftist.

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I am awaiting my Soros check, too.

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No kidding! Where’s my money?,

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You sometimes hear recently a comparison of today's Supreme Court to the one that with notorious badness decided the Lochner case, which used to be a bugbear of courts nationwide, limiting their invention of Constitutional fundamentals, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lochner_v._New_York

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