Jul 25Liked by Susan Campbell

Of all the chapters this one seems to be the least radical although the author attacks unions, and pushes to privatize some services. In Connecticut we have many examples of how badly privatization has worked just ask the family of the nurse who was brutally murdered in Willimantic?!? Thank you Nancy for your good work.

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I learned a whole lot from this chapter, and thank you, Nancy.

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Jul 26Liked by Susan Campbell

As a veteran some items are already out sourced to very bad Drs etc, for me with a injury while in service I am still waiting for care and they sent me to a chiropractor instead of an Orthopedic. I tried to get a hearing exam and they want me to travel out of state etc. The need to add VA services and do they not realize the older generation is mostly men still they need more female services. NOLA has a great new building CT needs one and not just in Orange West haven..

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I am sorry that this has been your experience. It's been my opinion that politicians (of every stripe) talk a good fight when it comes to veterans affairs, but then in reality, well. If you don't mind my asking, what is the process by which they decide to send you to a chiropractor? And is there an appeals process?

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Jul 27Liked by Susan Campbell

That is very accurate. I have talked to John Larsen several times. That is a good question and only the VA would know. I found a letter from the VES "Veterans Evaluation Services" that sent me the letter to see this Chrioprator. This was my second time with this issue the first time it was a PA at the VA in Rocky Hill. The thing that bothers me the most is that I have the Medical (workers comp? paperwork from that day when it happened. It was a work related medical issue. That PA tried to say it was the car accident I had long after the fact which didn't help my back issue. I needed to dig out the paper work when I got home to answer you for the specifics. They wanted me to send them new information. They really do make it easy for you to appeal. Then covid happened as well. I really need to follow up on this, it sucks the energy out of you having to fight for what is right. Thank you

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I'm sorry this is happening to you. A good decision from the get-go would be preferable, of course, because if you're dealing with an injury or illness, that takes energy, as does appealing. I'm pulling for you, Patricia.

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