May 17, 2022Liked by Susan Campbell

The ammosexuals and racists have made it difficult to use the phrase "thoughts and prayers" which many of us use when a friend or acquaintance has some kind of life challenge. Trumpism has taken racism from the bar rooms and kitchen tables out into the wide open public....Charlottesville happened with little outrage from the gQp, the same basic reaction we saw after Charleston, Pittsburgh and now Buffalo....D's must use strong and strident language to combat the likes of Stefanik et al. The time for quiet politeness has long since past!!

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I absolutely love the reaction of that driver. You can tell how authentic it was to who he is. He didn't even have to think about it. We should all be like this guy.

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May 17, 2022Liked by Susan Campbell

One thing I have learned about calling out racist ignorance is how easily goofballs can cocoon themselves in their own ignorance simply by saying I just believe what I believe or some variation of that such as that’s just the way I think or that’s just the way I feel

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May 17, 2022Liked by Susan Campbell

I think some people look around for others to do the right thing not realizing that the one in a position to initiate change is you and often you have to stand alone. I believe in the power of one just as I believe in the power of many. Speak up people!

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May 17, 2022Liked by Susan Campbell

Silence in the face of hatred is complicity. They are the demon twins of a nation’s destruction. And so, when righteousness and justice finally do meet, one must ask; where was I standing when they converged?

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