Jun 17·edited Jun 17Liked by Susan Campbell

Vance is an exploiter of the first order. He exploited the people he grew up with when he wrote his book. He exploited the anti-MAGAs, calling himself a “whisperer” to sell his book. Now he’s back to exploiting the MAGAs for his personal, political ambition. I think he’s even exploiting Trump as opposed to the more parasitic “yes father, may I have another” types. He’s clearly smarter and more consciously clever than Trump and consequently even more evil. My guess is if he was vice president, alone with Trump and Trump dropped to the floor with a heart attack, Vance would be slow to call for help.

And his comments about Kavanaugh being a “dork” and not believing the accusations against him. What does that mean? Kavanaugh wasn’t cool enough to rape? Isn’t that like Trump saying he didn’t rape because the woman in question wasn’t “his type”. The depth of the MAGA sickness has no bottom.

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I agree with everything you write. He's exploited his way into the U.S. Senate, and now? He's poised for more. This just steels my resolve to work to keep this particular hillbilly as far from the White House as we can get him.

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Jun 17Liked by Susan Campbell

Watching the MAGA cultists fawn over Orange Adolph, the same guy they excoriated over the 1/6 coup attempt is blood boiling. Then to see the likes of Hillbilly, Scott, Donalds et al shower love on the leader of the coup is beyond the pale.....

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Jun 17Liked by Susan Campbell

The list of VP candidates for the convicted felon -- horrifying. Hard to chose which one tops the list, but Vance is right up there. I struggle with why the polls continue to show the convicted felon beating Biden. I know, polls are only a snapshot, but the drumbeat that the Democrats are losing is getting louder and louder. (No thanks to the Wash Post Sunday editorial: Biden Should Assume The Polls Are Right And Not Wrong -- duh! By the way the editorial was published on the 15th but still prominent on the Post's homepage this morning. Really!)

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Might it still be up there because it's proven popular -- or has generated a lot of clicks? I remember when the conversation in our newsroom turned to clicks. I know that was the bell for me to look for the exit, though it took me a while to find it. I still believe the media should be lighting the way, not just illuminating the room we're already in.

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The thing I see about TCF's P picks talked about lately is they bring nothing to Mr Transactional Relationships, He liked Russkis because they bought condos. He went wwith Pence because he bought religious zealots who would not get near TCF, Unless they have piles of cash what is in it for Fatboy

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