Jun 25Liked by Susan Campbell

My house in Danbury was across the street from a 600 acre town park that was mostly still wild. I came home late one night to see a fox very casually trotting down the street. I often walked in the park, and thankfully never saw a snake, or that might have been the end of it.

We've taken so much of their habitat. Turning it back over to them at night seems only fair.

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That’s just what I was thinking. Let them have it back.

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Come on you two. We had a garter snake that fell in love with our green garden hose, wrapping itself around the hose when the sun was out. It was cute!

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Jun 25Liked by Susan Campbell

We have so much wildlife around my house. To name a few: bear, deer, porcupine, turkeys, eagles, and lots of foxes. The wildlife seems to be increasing here. We never saw bear or fox when we first moved in 30 years ago.

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I haven’t seen a bear though people in this area have. It’s weirdly comforting to know the animals have the run of the streets and yards and fields at night.

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Jun 25Liked by Susan Campbell

NatGeo worthy.

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Jun 25Liked by Susan Campbell


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Jun 25Liked by Susan Campbell

Just what I needed this morning. Thank you.

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Jun 25·edited Jun 25Liked by Susan Campbell

I’ve heard a a fisher cat scream(?) a few times. It’s spooky. We live in town so while we have a diverse collection of critters, they’re mostly smallish and on the tame side. Skunks, rabbits, possums, raccoons. We have a resident raccoon who’s completely unimpressed with any attempts to scare it off. When we’re sitting around our fire pit in the backyard it will waddle through a break in the fence just a couple of feet from us for another attempt to break into the metal garbage can where we keep birdseed. So far so good. A small boat anchor and a concrete block on the lid has kept the seed safe but the raccoon isn’t giving up. It’s taken down our feeders a couple of times sending me to the hardware store to devise ever more complicated feeder defenses. Sometimes I feel like Bill Murray in “Caddyshack”, trying to outsmart the gopher.

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Raccoons are so skilled at opening things. We used to weight down a bird seed container, and up to a cement block, nothing worked.

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Jun 25Liked by Susan Campbell

100%! I live on a mountain side, and the wildlife living amongst we tamelife sustains me! And it is a stellar year for lightning bugs and wild lettuce. I heal here. Wi Fi be damned, I love the sound of the peepers and frogs, and the butterflies flying around, ah. The Farmington River flowing through our little village is personable, for true. Nice story!

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Jun 25Liked by Susan Campbell

I love silence.

The only time I am unafraid.

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That is fascinating.

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I am closest to the divine while in sacred silence.

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Like Elijah on the mountain and pay no heed to the lightning and thunder.

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Jun 25Liked by Susan Campbell

Wildlife is amazing and sometimes amusing. When we lived on a three acre spread in Colchester, we only saw groundhogs. And sadly, the thing that killed our cat and dog was a motor vehicle.

We’ve since lived many years in a suburban neighborhood and I’ve seen and heard more wildlife than I could imagine. Raccoons, possums, bunnies, lots of Fox, hawks, owls, bobcats, fisher cats?, deer and a momma bear and her cubs. Many in daylight even! The screams of the fisher cat and fox can send chills up your spine!

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Once we lived in the woods, and we'd hear a whole chorus of fox (foxes) just over the next rise. At first, it was scary, but then? I came to look forward to the concert.

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Jun 25Liked by Susan Campbell

We have several dens in the woods behind our house. So I have gotten used to them now. Our yard is fenced in but they will trot around it and even walk up the sidewalk in broad daylight.

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Jun 25Liked by Susan Campbell

Deception happens when there’s too noise.

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