Sep 24Liked by Susan Campbell

"Trump lied, people died"....what a bumper sticker or t-shirt that would make? In America the economy is a key factor in elections, remember Clinton's theme against Bush I, "It's the Economy Stupid"? The Harris campaign has to keep hitting on this theme. The MAGA cult doesn't seem to understand numbers. When the rapist was in the WH our debt soared, the economy stalled and worse yet they buy in to his "tariff" line of BS! I am happy to be in the departure lounge and feel bad for the younger generations who has so much to lose.

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It’s the Big Lie, rolled out all over again.

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Sep 24Liked by Susan Campbell

Maybe this is different for younger people and those working for companies worse than mine (in terms of COLA, etc), but my existential dread, generalized stress response, and skin crawling-ness are much better. Though I still can’t listen to the news because that voice

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It’s that indefinable, isn’t it. Hope? Joy? Neither of these necessarily play well with the other side but I don’t care any more. Let them stew in their own juice. This? Will be very good.

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Sep 24Liked by Susan Campbell

Just the fact of having a decent sane person in the White House makes us better off than we were before the 2020 election. Plus Biden immediately restored dignity to the office, the world felt safer both here and abroad, our allies could breathe a sigh of relief knowing that Putin's puppet was gone and the threat of NATO being trashed was over. Then there were the domestic improvements -- the inflation reduction act, infrastructure bill, getting the vaccines to people in an organized manner, being able to watch press conferences about the pandemic featuring actual doctors who were allowed to talk sensibly to people because there was no longer a moron in orange makeup suggesting ultraviolet light in internal cavities or horse dewormer as a "cure" and no idiot son-in-law and his college bros in charge of procuring PPE and announcing that the supply was for "them" not for the states who were begging for help in that area. Yes prices went up initially due to the supply chain being disrupted worldwide but then gouging set in and THAT is the biggest issue currently - flat out price gouging by supermarkets simply because they and the middlemen can get away with it. If we had a functional Congress this would be addressed by all of them -- not just a few Senators or Congressman who are standing by themselves trying to get others on board to make a change.

Sorry for writing a book. I'll try to restrain myself.

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Nah, don't bother. I agree with this, all of this.

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Sep 24·edited Sep 24Liked by Susan Campbell

Why does TFG keep asking such a ridiculous question? We were in the worst of the pandemic in 2020! He talks about four years ago as if we hadn't lived through it ourselves. (Don't trust your own memory - listen to me!) We are SO much better off now! I sure am! You described the ways we're better off so well.

2020 was also a horrible year, health wise, for me, too. At least it ended well with booting out TFG in the election!

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I think he believes he did a great job and the facts just don't matter to that belief.

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Sep 24Liked by Susan Campbell

I know you're right! He tells himself exactly what he wants to hear. He doesn't buy any fact that doesn't show him as the perfect genius. Like I said the other day; in his mind, he is still in rehearsals for his reality show

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It is amazing to me that he's allowed to do that for 78 years. In MY high school, he'd have been stuffed into a locker until he learned to act right.

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I do sometimes wonder if he truly believes what he says (is delusional) or just knowingly cons people for personal gain. Or, maybe it's a combination.

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Sep 24Liked by Susan Campbell

He's a psychopath -- any therapist or psychiatrist will tell you that. Between that and his malignant narcissism -- both of those mental conditions are untreatable and then he has dementia layered over all of that. Instead of being dangerous to himself, he is a danger to everyone else.

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And he's the GOP front-runner. Go figure.

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Sep 24Liked by Susan Campbell

Says a lot!

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Sep 24Liked by Susan Campbell

The most important thing to him, is that people love, envy, and admire him. He lost the election, and HATES that the whole world saw it in 2020, so he had to deny it. He's always been a loser, ie. universities, champagne, steaks, casinos, bankruptcies, etc., but it's usually more privately known to his company and peers. This was unbearable for him, so he has to try to save face. He needs his Mommy.

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He's the spitting image (physically) of his mommy, and from everything I've read, he was a terror as a child.

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Sep 24Liked by Susan Campbell

And about those egg prices...

No, JD, you can't say egg prices are $4 while standing in front of an egg price sign that is $2.99 a dozen. And the second lie - his 4 and 7 year old sons eat 14 eggs a day!


And no! It's not Kamala Harris' fault that egg prices have gone up. Quick answer is Bird Flu -> less egg laying hens -> less eggs (coupled with high demand -yay for more people with jobs!) -> higher prices. JD, maybe you never took Econ 101. When demand is high and supply is low, prices tend to go up. So, that makes 3 lies in your short half minute clip.

Here's more on egg prices: https://www.agriculturedive.com/news/why-egg-prices-are-becoming-expensive-again-bird-flu-demand/725880/

I'm so sick of the lies coming from the GOP!

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See, I am, too, but for some, this is just politics as usual. I do not want to live around people who embrace this crap. I know that's mean of me, but puh-leez, life's too short to dance with willfully gullible people.

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Sep 24Liked by Susan Campbell

I'm with you!

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True, the most disgusting ones are those who shake their heads and laugh at their regurgitations, but nevertheless, will vote for them. smh

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Sep 24Liked by Susan Campbell

Yes. Every time.

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Sep 24Liked by Susan Campbell

I always thought that running past food to empty shelves of paper towels and toilet paper.

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I remember finding a packet of toilet paper and sharing it with someone after ai mentioned my find on Facebook. THAT is how bad things were and things didn’t have to be that bad.

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Sep 24·edited Sep 24

What fascinates me is when I find out that one of my 2nd cousins is still an antivaxer. She's young and joined a different church from her parents... yikes.

Am I better off than I was 4 years ago. I am assuming it is prior to the Biden - Trump election. I was an emotional mess. I had stopped getting enough aerobic exercise. I just couldn't make myself do it. I could go to yoga, yes, for my mental health more than physical.

Financially, I had benefited from the Trump bump. But under Biden I feel more confident. As for the lack of legislative or rather preventative measures that the GOP congress has put in place, nothing good has happened. I did find the hearings about Jan. 6th to be helpful.

As for the toilet paper, my father lived through the depression and was in the Army/Airforce during WWII, and he taught me to always have a sufficient supply of toilet paper. It was the rationing of yeast that set my husband off. You had to go to the front of the store and request it - just like baby formula - and they would only sell you one bottle.

I just don't think I will be able to handle a loss again, knowing how bads things got under Trump. The sheer hatred of women was very much like visiting India alone as a woman. Not good. Every female needs to take self-defense classes - as we will not be safe, nor can we rely on the enforcement of laws to protect us.

Yes, things were dire, and no, I can't go back.

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The MAGA cultists prove that “better off” is a state of mind. I friend of mine observed the number of $60,000-$70,000 picks-ups and six figure RVs in the parking lot at a Trump rally, many of them I am sure are owned by retired Union members with healthy pensions and benefits (think the Villages in Florida) and said “they’ve got this downtrodden scam down”.

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