Apr 10Liked by Susan Campbell

A "Compassionate Women's Bill of Rights" organization should be formed that counteracts every bad thing the other group dreams up! I hate it when a group uses global labels to make it sound like their ideas have broad support or are the right thing to do. Turn the tables on them!

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Apr 10Liked by Susan Campbell

Transgenders— tough for people to grasp. As the editor of C-HIT.org, we devoted many stories to transgender health— as a way to raise awareness— and to showcase the plights of transgenders. CT has a strong network of health care providers at local hospitals, including Middlesex Hospital, a leader in the care of transgender people. They are also doctors in private practices that provide health and mental health care. Have to say— I learned a lot from the stories that we published. We interviewed some amazingly brave individuals— young and old. These states that ban transgender care— it is terrible. Can’t imagine living in a state where you are not recognized for who you are. What are they afraid of. The best we can do is educate people and support transgender people in our communities.

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Apr 10Liked by Susan Campbell

Couple this with the Arizona decision and just hope the targeted groups, especially women, wake the F up and vote out the haters!!

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Apr 10Liked by Susan Campbell


My contact time with far-righties and actively anti-LGBTIQ people is limited*, but I don't hang out exclusively with lefties and young by any means-- and it seems to me that culture is winning, that cultural milieux are increasingly embodying matter-of-fact acceptance and co-existence. My 19-year-old son has friends across political spectra though he's leftie himself, and he brings me news that in his acquaintance accepting co-existence dominates, confirming my impression.

When I moved to Yorkshire I wondered whether I would be surrounded by TERFs, but no, and the cultural forces there seem is anything more predominantly tilted in favor of matter-of-fact accepting coexistence.

I'm definitely not saying "so that's okay, then." It is an horror that those of us not directly affected (we imagine) tend to be so willing to sacrifice the lives of targets to "just a few more people need to die." But when we don't know what else to do, our leaning into normalization (as well as our votes) win in longer runs.

Which is of course how righties have got rid of so many defenses of the rights of labor, women, and people of color, and then of the rights.

* More so since the Shooting' Pastor decided that his liberal friends and colleagues had hurt him too much, and cloistered himself like someone who had totally talked about snowflakes for quite a while.

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"The more people we have saying `shut up and get on board' to the naysayers, the easier change becomes."

- Courtney Milan

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