Sep 25Liked by Susan Campbell

And I am personally and particularly furious that the Missouri legal system-- I'm glad they repented, but-- and governor and US Supreme Court conservatives made me, a taxpaying Constitution-supporting US citizen, a murderer by most unwilling proxy.

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Good point.

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Sep 25Liked by Susan Campbell

Post-racial country my patoot.

States rights never mean equal rights or equal protection.

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Sep 25·edited Sep 25Liked by Susan Campbell

I don't understand why after the prosecutor and the victim's family fought against it, this wasn't stopped. Now, the real murderers live on, free from any prosecution. How do they live with themselves?

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That's an excellent question. I do not know the answer.

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Sep 25Liked by Susan Campbell

The "pro-life" Supreme Court justices. How do they live with themselves?

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If your pro-life stops at birth, it's pretty easy. Just nine or so months and then? Good luck to ye.

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Pro-birth, not pro-life.

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Sep 25Liked by Susan Campbell

I cannot find words. Goddamn.

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And perhaps, like me, there's a string of nasty words we will say alone, but not write? Beyond disgusting.

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Sep 25Liked by Susan Campbell

This is disgusting. Yes, those three judges based their decision on racial prejudice. It is quite clear. It is disgusting. It is terrifying. It makes me want to scream, Thank God I live in Ct. I have already state my prejudice against some states... and well.... this is further validation of that prejudice.

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I have no argument against this, other than to semi-quote the Drive-By Truckers and say there's good people in Missouri. There are even good politicians, but you can't tell that from yesterday.

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Sep 25·edited Sep 25Liked by Susan Campbell

I lived in the Missouri Ozarks for four years in the early 70's, and I will attest that they are some of the 'goodest' people I have ever known. The real horror, beside the murder; is that the prosecutors admitted they were wrong, tried to stop it and it meant nothing. The FBI should take Parsons into custody and send him to jail for murder.

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I'd be OK with that.

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Sep 25Liked by Susan Campbell

No words to best describe the anger and disappointment in the Missouri judicial system.

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Sep 25Liked by Susan Campbell

Sigh. The real life consequences of racism are hardly rational let alone justifiable.,How do they go home and kiss their babies on their mouths. Know thy shadow. Know thy enemy. Get the hounds. We got some hunting to do. Hi ho sword ⚔️.

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Sep 25Liked by Susan Campbell

The "sport" of killing is a fav of the EVILgelicals and Pro Lifers!

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Sep 25Liked by Susan Campbell

A gut-wrenching, soul-searing miscarriage of justice! If the governor or MO supreme court judges dare try to serve again after their terms are up, I hope all those people who signed the petition to stop the execution will remember their disgusting actions and send them packing.

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I wish the voters were listening to facts and not propaganda.

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