Jun 20Liked by Susan Campbell

Of course the church didn’t take back the AR. How could they, after preaching about standing your ground? The minister would need a bigger gun, or (gulp) the Holy Hand Grenade!

Where does this madness end?

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I wish I knew. I mean, children shot and killed in school didn’t end it…

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Jun 20Liked by Susan Campbell

Blast-phemy! Jesus led his glock to prey in church.

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Well done, sir.

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Jun 20Liked by Susan Campbell

You taught me something about Scripture today because. in all my readings of the gospels, I missed that instruction about swords in Mark. Maybe it was cognitive dissonance, and so I dismissed it. And, I am grateful for the connection you made to Ephesians. Thank you. And thank you for sharing this. Let us leave the rabbit holes to the rabbits.

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Jun 20Liked by Susan Campbell

You nailed it! Contorting Jesus' message of love into one that would condone an AR--15 raffle in a church is as wrong as wrong can be! Justification of such a thing using misused scripture is scripture abuse. I often wonder if some may have no real interest in following Jesus' message of love. Instead, I think some use their religious affiliation as a way to claim moral superiority for their immoral behavior in a gaslighty way.

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Love is a lot harder. Love takes discipline and strength. Aiming a gun is easy.

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If we were living in a love supported and valued world, love could be easy. But that's not our reality. Unfortunately.

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Jun 20Liked by Susan Campbell

Your story today is so badly needed! Down here in SC I see so many vehicles with machine gun decals (that's what I call them, remember the U.S. outlawed machine guns in the 30's). I also see good ole Christian boys wearing tees emblazoned with "God, Guns and Family"! Americas lust for guns seems to have no end. As morbid as it is I wish scenes of mass slaughter would be published for too many have NO clue how destructive military weaponry is! Bible thumpers twist the written word to suit their demented views, BTW how bout those Baptist sex abusers, the don't seem to get the "recognition" the Catholic's received?!?

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Well, for what it is worth, SOME of us are paying attention.

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Jun 20Liked by Susan Campbell

Dear God , I have several questions about the process used to give a random person a weapon of war. I wonder if it was done in a buy a ticket type of raffle which would seem to be gambling to a heathen like me ? Pretty sure Jesus wasn’t cool with killing anyone.

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I believe you're right.

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Jun 20Liked by Susan Campbell

Pastor Chris’ face as he holds the barrel of the rifle screams “Did I check to see if this gun is loaded? Please Jesus, don’t let this man blow my head off”.

“Sword of the spirit, which is the word of God”. “Be prepared (“Stand back and stand ready”?). You’re up against far more than you can handle on your own. Take all the help you can get, every weapon God has issued, so that when it’s all over but the shouting you’ll still be on your feet”. “So take everything the Master has set out for you, well-made weapons of the best materials”. Yeezus!!!

I respect your interpretation but if this doesn’t prove the bible was written by earthly men and earthly men only, nothing does. A lot of these clowns in the pictures may call this the word of God but down deep it’s clear they respond to it as dick talk. Who Would Jesus Shoot indeed! I heard he’s postponed his second coming so he could scan the multiple listings in other universes.

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I could spend the rest of my life on authorship, but I'm going to focus on interpretation until Jesus comes and takes me home. If we're not taking love along with us on our reading, we're wasting our time and God's.

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Maybe it’s about what we ask people. I’ve been asked if I believe in god many times. I’ve never been asked if I believe in love or kindness or good works, you know, all that stuff.

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Jun 20Liked by Susan Campbell

Well said. Finally a storyteller with scripture’s on board; onward sister, hi ho ⚔️. Thank you whether you like it or not! A million gazillion, as the grandkid says!

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Jun 20Liked by Susan Campbell

Who would Jesus massacre?

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Jun 20·edited Jun 20Author

I have to admit, that was one of my questions to Mark: WCWJS. What Caliber Would Jesus Shoot.

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Jun 20Liked by Susan Campbell

I'm surprised Mark didn't refer to Revelation, when Jesus comes back armed to the teeth and ready to slaughter all the infidels (us) and expects the faithful to be right there behind him. Or is that from the Left Behind series? I suspect a lot more Christians have read LB than have read the New Testament. That's why preachers who quote from the Sermon on the Mount are being corrected by their congregations, who explain that Jesus isn't that wimp from the Gospels anymore.

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If The River is anything like Fourth and Forest, they give wide berth to the book of Revelation. Allegory into confusing to the literal-minded.

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Jun 20Liked by Susan Campbell

Omg! And I thought banks giving away guns was insane! I’m sure church attendance was up. ☹️

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Jun 20Liked by Susan Campbell

Don't give them any ideas?:))

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Jun 20Liked by Susan Campbell

Amen… thank you.

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Jun 20Liked by Susan Campbell

My favorite post so far. Respect.

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Well, thank you. Christianity and the perversion thereof is one of my favorite topics.

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